
【KGU】外国人留学生 国際学生レジデンス申込 Application for KGU International Residence



【問合せ先】レジデンスセンター dormitory@kwansei.ac.jp

Applications for the KGU International Residences are now open.
Please be sure to carefully read the following notes and the rules and regulations of KGU dormitories before submitting an application.

*Newly enrolled students shall complete the payment of the tuition fee designated in the "Entrance Procedure II" before applying for KGU International Residences.
*As a rule, moving out within one semester is not allowed.
*Students accepted into the dormitory shall take an annual medical check-up held at KGU.
*Students shall purchase fire insurance designated by Residence Center.
*When there are more applications than the rooms available, admission will be decided by lottery.
*Students should contact Residence Center if they are not able to apply by the deadline due to inevitable reasons.

Residence Center: dormitory@kwansei.ac.jp

【申請者氏名 / Name of Applicant】
英字 / EnglishRequired
* 英字以外の特殊文字は使用しないでください。
* ミドルネームは不要です。
* Do not use non-English letters.
* Middle name is not required.

姓 / Last Name 
名 / First Name 
カタカナ / KatakanaRequired
姓 / Last Name 
名 / First Name 
漢字 / Kanji
* 文字化けを避けるため、日本語の漢字を使用してください。
* Please use Japanese kanji to avoid charcter corruption.

姓 / Last Name 
名 / First Name 
【性別 / Sex】Required
【生年月日 / Date of Birth】Required
 Year  Month  Date 
【国籍 / Nationality】Required
【あなたの写真 / Photo of YourselfRequired
up to 10 MB.
We would share it with your dorm managers.
【現住所 / Current Address】
郵便番号/Postal/Zip CodeRequired
国名(地域) / Country (District)Required
【電話番号 / Phone Number】
国番号/Country CodeRequired
電話番号/Phone NumberRequired
【メールアドレス / E-mail】Required

確認用/Confirm Email
【所属 / Course】Required
【学生区分/Student Type】Required
学籍番号/Student NumberRequired
受験番号/Examinee NumberRequired
Please attach a scanned receipt of the tuition fee (Only for beginning students).
Those who will be exempted from tuition do not need to upload anything.
up to 10 MB.making a zip file or compressed files.
Please email Residence Center a scanned receipt of the tuition fee if you are not able to complete the payment by the application deadline.(dormitory@kwansei.ac.jp)
【第一希望寮 / First Choice】Required
【第二希望寮 / Second Choice】
【入居日 / Move-in Date】
*If you're assigned to Residence V, please move in on March 25. Move-in should be between 11 am to 4 pm.

【入居希望期間 / Desired period of stay】Required
【日本学生支援機構の学習奨励費を受給予定ですか? / Will you receive the JASSO Scholarship?】Required
【日本語レベル / Japanese Level】Required
【英語レベル / English Level】Required
【本国連絡先(必ず記入すること) / Contact in your country (mandatory)】
本国連絡人氏名 / Contact person's nameRequired
姓 / Family Name 
名 / Given Name 
本人との関係 / Relationship to the applicantRequired
本国住所 / Home Address
郵便番号/Postal/Zip CodeRequired
国名(地域) / Country (District)Required
本国連絡先電話番号 / Phone Number
国コード/Country CodeRequired
電話番号 / Phone NumberRequired
【日本在住連絡人(いる場合のみ)/ Contact person in Japan if any】
氏名 / Name
姓 / Family Name 
名 / Given Name 
現住所 / Address
電話番号 / Phone Number
 -  - 
本人との関係 / relationship to the applicant
以下の点について注意深く読んでください。/ Please carefully read the followings.

I will take an annual medical check-up held at KGU if accepted into the dorm.

I will purchase a fire insurance designated by Residence Center if accepted into the dorm.

As a rule, moving out within one semester is not allowed.

I confirmed the period I am allowed to stay as follows.
Move-in from spring semester: by March 20, after 2 years
Move-in from fall semester: by August 25, after 2 years

I have read and understand the Rules and Regulations of the dorm I am applying for.
確認 / ConfirmationRequired